Sign Now: I Support Equality for All Expressions of Jewishness in Israel - New Israel Fund Australia

Sign Now: I Support Equality for All Expressions of Jewishness in Israel

Sign our Letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu:

The Western Wall (Kotel) belongs to all Jews. Prime Minister Netanyahu, please don't give in to the Ultra-Orthodox parties in the Knesset.

All expressions of Jewishness should be allowed to practise at the Kotel.

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For more than 25 years, supporters of NIF have come together to defend the rights of all Jews in Israel.

Through organisations such as the Israel Religious Action Centre and Women of the Wall, NIF has supported initiatives that have worked to break apart the Ultra Orthodox Rabbinate’s monopoly over personal status issues and ensure all Jewish streams are treated equally in the Jewish state.

As you may have seen, those efforts were dealt a massive blow this week by Prime Minister Netanyahu’s government when it reneged on a plan to create an egalitarian prayer space at the Kotel, caving into pressure from Ultra-Orthodox religious parties in the Knesset.1

Now is the time for Diaspora Jews to stand up and say that Israel must provide a platform for all expressions of Jewishness.

The Jewish Agency has taken an admirable stand, with chairman Natan Sharansky passing a resolution “deploring the decision of the [Government of Israel] which contradicts the vision and dream of Herzl, Ben-Gurion and Jabotinsky and the spirit of the Zionist movement.”2

But this saga isn’t new. It began when Israel took control of the Old City after the Six-Day War in 1967. 3

Diaspora Jews need to take a stand. If you agree that Jews from all streams should be able to pray freely at the Western Wall, sign our letter.

NIF’s supporters and allies are leaders in the global Jewish movement of equality for all Jewish streams. This is a message we need to get out. Sign our letter and share it with your friends.

Despite this week’s setback, we’re confident that pluralism and inclusion will prevail.

  1. Giving in to ultra-Orthodox, Cabinet Drops Compromise on Mixed Prayer Space at Western Wall - Haaretz
  2. In first-ever direct challenge, Jewish Agency urges Israel to reinstate Western Wall deal - Times of Israel
  3. Israel's Western Wall Crisis: Why Jews Are Fighting With Each Other Over the Jewish Holy Site, Explained - Haaretz